SOCIAL CLUBS Clubs enhance Harding's friendliness tradition Fea r of a ty ranni ca l pledgemaster , laughter among the pledges, association in pleasant surroundings and the qui et oneness that throbs through the group as a candle is lit and tra - ditional words are spoken are the emotions tha t envelope the ITarding student who is a member of a social club. Fier ce loya lty pounds throu gh the bra in a t an exc iting inter-club baske tball ga me. Qui et sympa thy is expressed through fl owers sent to a sick club member. Laughter abounds at a cl ub ollti ng as a motmta in climb in the spri ng clea rs th e brain of tes ts, differential equations and ovcrdue librar:v books. The toge therness of the H arding social club sa ti sf ies th e soc ia l desires of ma n . The spirit of doing th ings for others and with others is the glimmerin g "ewa rd found by a ll soc ial club ITIcln bcr s. . HAPPILY going about her pledge business, Kappa Kappa Kappa ini tiate Sheryl Deay carries a key for collection of signotures. GAIETY chora.::terizes the oTmosphere of the WHCs Country Supper' " as beau Roger McCown enjoys talking 10 two dub members. SPRUCING up her dale, Perry DeGraw, for the The ta Psi banquet , Jill Graddy puts on the bou tonniere and the finishing touches before leaving. FORMAL initiation for the WHC social club is a very impressive ceremony as new pledges kneel in front of officers 10 repeat their vows of loyalty,