BELLES AND BEAUX Traveling entertainers "This is the end of a fairy talc that I wish could have lasted longer, " was typical of the comments of fourteen Belles and Beaux returning to Arkansas at the close of their third USONational Music Counci l -sponsored overseas tour in October. This Car ibbean tour covered United States bases in Panama, Puerto Rico, Grand Turk, Eleuthera, Cuba and San Salvador. The Belles and Beaux covered over ZZ,OOO miles on a five-week tour of bases in the Far East in 1960. They spent nine weeks in Europe in 196Z. Also, countless programs have been given in Arkansas and throughout the nation for various civic organizations and schools. Variety is synonymous with their show which is complete with novelty acts, patriotic and secular songs and Broadway hit presentations. Surprising to some was the fact that the most popular part of every program was the religious section when such numbers as "My God and I" and "Just a Closer "Valk With Thee" arc sung. The Belles and Beaux carry more than $4,000 worth of stereophonic sound equipment, musical instruments. costumes and properties with them. Kenneth Davis Jr., assistant professor of music and director of the A Cappella Chorus. is director of this seasoned travel group. tour area of Caribbean JOURNEY into the tropically beautiful Caribbean for the Belles and Beaux begoJ' with boarding a bus on the Harding campus in Searcy, Arkansas. BELLES AND BEAUX. Burton, Williams, Gooden, Davidson, Dovis (director!. Gonus, Stonley, Boles, Thoyer, Risinger, Ely, Wood, Smith, Johnson, Chi tty . 102