1964-1965 Yearbook

OUR RELIGION Religion IS dedicated people worshiping GOD • YE sha ll know Ihe I rulh and the truth sholl make you free - inherent in our religion is a conf tned seo rch for knowledge through Bible study a nd dOi ly med ita tion . "My Jesus as thou wilt," is a primary facet of our religion - a religion based upon a rich heritage of history from the creation of mankind, through the life and death of Christ to the present structure of the church. Our religion should penneate every phase of our lives as students, friends, and citizens. It should be seen in our lives readily. The now trite phrase, "make your life an open book - a shining example to all" holds much food for thought. Believing and obeying a supreme being is the fundamental way in which we find the peace and tranquility of mind necessary for living in the frenzied world of today. Prayer, our direct communication with God, becomes a soothing balm. As students, our religion manifests itself through daily Bible study, traditional chapel services, regular church attendance, nightly vespers, spontaneous devotionals, private meditation and prayer plus active work in mission organizations for some . Our religion is our very purpose for - our mission - for life. Striving to uphold our beliefs, but studying constantly to find reason for these beliefs so they will not become static, is a responsibility we must take as Christians. REVERENCING Ihe Almighty through hea rtfelt acts of worship - church altendance, si ng ing, proying, listening and communi ng - Joy Woolard is exemplary of Hardi ng students experiencing ou r religion. 8