1963-1964 Yearbook

BASEBALL Spirit and desire help to overcome lack of power Lack of power at the plate coupled with a key injury slowed up the 1963 Harding baseball nine. However, as in the Bison trademark, they made up for this with that "little bit extra." They won games with stolen bases, sacrifice bunts, and the ever dangerous squeeze play. Daring antics on the basepaths kept the opposing team on edge, and caused many errors by rival players. Leading the Bisons in hitting was senior Ken Spillman with a 0.314 average, while Steve Smith's twelve runs batted in was tops in that department. The top pitcher of the year was Joe Spaulding who posted four wins against only one loss. Spaulding along with the rest of the mound corps had to shoulder an even greater load when the top pitcher of 1962, Richard Green, broke his ankle. Making all Ale first team for the second year was senior-catcher Steve Smith. Freshman-outfielder Kenny Gahr, a fireball, was named on the second team. His good spirit and hustle proved contagious toward inspiring teamwork. SPEEDING around third, Bison catcher·rightfielder Kenny Gonr heads for home to score for Harding. Ken wos one of lost year's leading bobmen. IASHAU TEAM. FRONT ROW: Cox, Pote, Miller. R. Smith, J. Mote, Splllmon. Spaulding. SECOND ROW, Burton, Somonie, Burleson, Carter. G. Mote, Iorden. Gohr. THIRD ROW: Wotson, Willis, Coach Allison, S. Smith, Touchton . 97