'IIACI TEAM . FRONT ROW: Peacock., Crider, R. Clark, Smith , Eoff, Harrison , Merrill , Pr ince. SECOND ROW: Jones , Casey , Rabb, Brock, G. Clark, Dean , Lawson. THIRD ROW: Coach Prock, French, lambert. Bateman , Camp , Peebles (manager! . Hard working team breaks many Harding records Several outstanding individuals composed the 1963 Harding College thindads. However, a of depth prevented Harding from being one powers in the AlC. Individual performances by shot-putter Bob and 880 yard runner Wendell Harrison Harding in dose competition with its oppOIlen,ts. Camp was never beaten in AlC meets Harrison always placed high in the 880 run. Gerald Clark, the team's most versatile was outstanding in several areas. He ran hurdles and on the mile medley relay. was also Harding's entry in the broad jump. showed his versatility by gaining high in the decathlon on track and field day. thindads, Robert Clark, Dwight Robb, Brock, Tom Bateman, and Larry Eoff, hard to provide the spectators with many and exciting events. Although the team never broke any conference they broke many home records: shothigh jump, 880 yard run, 440 yard dash, yard relay, mile relay, and the 440 yard which may serve to stimulate future Hartrack men. DASHING toward' the finish line, Eaff, Robb, Prince and Jones finish 1, 2, 3, 4 respectively in the 100 yard dash against Fort Smith JC. 93