1963-1964 Yearbook

mlDING effortlessly, Cliff Clark lengthens his lead over the resl of the f ,eld 10 ploce firST in the AIC cross-country championship. Siloam Springs Harding RESULTS John Brown Universi ty Searcy Harding ASTC Union Uni versity Invitational Harding Union University Mi ssiss ippi College Southwes tern (Memphi s) Arkansas State David Lipscomb Lambuth AlC Meet Harding ASTC Hendrix Clinton, Mississippi Harding Mi ssissippi College 15 46 21 36 44 68 86 87 93 142 160 21 40 81 21 35 INTENTLY watching The cross-counTry runners · form and style during a rigorous training session, Cliff Clark, Garon Agnev ik , and R. T. Clark time the harriers. MAKING his move to overtake two opposing runners , Robert Clark stretches forward to give Harding the valuable low score points for the AIC championship. SPRINTING away from the line, Bison harriers prepare to pit thei r end uronce and stam ina against the rough competition offered by the other A IC competito rs .