CROSS-COUNTRY Harding harriers produce first Ale championship EFFECTS of heol, hills, and distance show on Phil Merr ill 's face as he compleles Ihe grueling and demanding Ale cross-country roce for a second place f inish . CROSS-COUNTRY TEAM. C. Clark, Boker, G. Clark, lawson, Casey, Merrill, R. Clark. 90 Harding College has reason to be proud of its second year of competition in the cross-country realm. Not only did the harriers win the Ale championship, but they swept a tri-s tate championship invitiational meet at Union University in Jackson, Tennessee. As champions of District 17 of the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics, the team had earned the right to go to Omaha, Nebraska, to compete in the NAIA cross-country championship meet. At this meet were represented twentythree outstanding teams from small universities and colleges. Harding finished eleventh, an exceptiona l record for the second year of crosscountry participation. Coaching this championship team to victory was Dr. R. T . Clark, Jr., assisted by Goran Agnevik from Sweden. Those members of the team showing outstanding ability were Cliff Clark, who consistently finished first, and pressing close behind were Phil Merrill and Jerry Baker. Ably assisting were Lanny Casey, Gerald Clark, R. T. Clark, III, and Jim Lawson. d