1963-1964 Yearbook

BASKETBAll TEAM. FRONT ROW: Bell , Crow , Alch inson , Casey, Walkins, Rogen, Medley. SECOND ROW: Valentine, Robb, Jacobs , Gon, Touchton , Patlon, Simpson, Boaz. CONCENTRATING on Ihe baskel, forward Gory Goss fires one in from the corner 10 increase the Bison ' s commanding lead over College of the Ozarks. RESULTS Harding 86 John Brown University 73 John Brown Un ivers ity 92 Little Rock Universi ty 82 Christian Brothers College 90 Ouachita • 82 Hendrix 83 Henderson 85 College of th e Ozarks 73 Little Rock University 89 Arkansas College 84 Southern State 93 Arkansas Tech 86 Christian Brothers Coll ege 72 ASTC 85 Arkansas A &. M 98 Ouachita 74 Hendrix 101 Henderson 77 College of the Ozarks 74 Arkansas College 90 Southern State 69 Arkansas Tech 92 ASTC 77 Arkansas A &. M '96 Arkansas College '83 Ouachita 'Games played in AlC Tournament Opponents 99 78 81 93 76 100 67 64 67 76 69 90 100 64 71 114 83 77 61 83 73 80 94 85 87 93