68 d-(;omf2comi.nfjQHU2n an~ a~~f2n~an~g Each fall the football team selects three coeds to be their nominees for Homecoming Queen . The three candidates are presented to the Student Body who vote by secret ballot to select their Homecoming Queen. The beauty chosen is crowned during half-time ceremonies at the Homecoming football game to reign over the festivities of the day along with the two finalists and the class representatives. The finalists this year were Mary Ellen Baskin, an art major from Stilwell, Oklahoma, and Karen Parsons, a sociology-psychology major from Bartlesville, Oklahoma. Perky Charlotte Burkett, Harding's 1963 Homecoming Queen, transferred this year from Lubbock Christian College. Last year she reigned as Miss LCC and was quite active in student affairs. At Harding she is continuing her learning role as an elementary education major. Galaxy men's social club eletted her as their queen, and she was selected as a Bison cheerleader by the student body. Her smiling countenance and friendliness have also merited her the honor of being junior class favorite. PROVING herself useful to both students and faculty, Charlotte Burkett works in the library to help finance her educational expenses.