May Queen candidates are selected by the women's social clubs each fan to represent their clubs in the May Fete activities. The nominees are presented to the students in a beautiful ceremony during a special assembly. The student body selects three queen candidates from among the lovely ladies, one of whom is chosen to be May Queen. Her Majesty is crowned during the gala ceremony to add suspense to beauty. She has the pleasure of watching the intricate designs of the May pole winders as they perform and of being attended by repreaentatives from the women's clubs. ann e~ato6o~~ ../IJ omillQQ Ann Crawford, a senior elementary education major, is talented in music and drawing. To utilize her musical ability, she sings with the Harding A Cappella Chorus and with the Belles and Beaux. She is also active in the GATA women's social club. Neatness, poise, and a charming smile are components of her personality which are apparent to all who know her. Also inherent in the portrait she presents are a 10ft-spoken voice and eyes that twinkle with friendliness and humor. ....CHING animols, a favorite pastime for attractive Ann Crawford • a relo.lling hobby and is helpful in her elementary education mo jor. • 67