1963-1964 Yearbook

BEG INNING OF SCHOOL New way of life begins for many • September In f, .. / HAPPY to be back 01 school, senior Jane Eubanks does not seem to mind the drudgery of moving in. The thrill of seeing her friends offsets this task. EXERCISING their priv ileges to vole, students make their selections for frash closs officers in elections which prove on e)(perience in politicol maneuvering . Hectic, busy, strange, and memorable is that first week of school. Perhaps to freshmen it is the most memorable of all the events of the year. There are seemingly endless tests to take, cards to fill out, lines to stand in, and people to meet. Social events of the week included the annual Alumni reception for new students, Student Association-sponsored mixers and an all-school watermelon party where entertainment abounded in the form of speeches, jokes, group singing, a pep rally for the first Bison football encounter of the year, and a watermelon eating contest from which sophomore Tom Blucker emerged as the undisputed victor. The fall meeting with Dr. F. W. Mattox as the speaker gave new students an insight into the inspirational religious life that was to be found at Harding. On Friday, however, an even stranger facet of the new college life began - classes - with seemingly formidable teachers, assignments, and tests to be mastered. ABLY serving along side of Paula Peacock. Dove lawyer con not resist the temptation of a bile of wotermelon at the all·school event.