GRADUATION is a time of mixed emotions as Seniors reflect on the mony exciting events thot have occurred over the past several yeors and look with uncertainty and wonder to the future. GRADUATION Achievements rewarded as year reaches climax DI STINGUI SHED Senator John McClellan of Arkansas views our beautiful campus before delivering 0 stirring address to the 1963 Harding graduates. As the end of the year approached, seniors began to participate in their. final activities as Harding students. On May 30, 1963, one hundred seventy seniors became graduates, realizing the goal of their years of study. The diploma they received represented their preparation for meeting the challenges of the future . In the Commencement address, the senior senator of Arkansas, Honorable John L. McClellan, described the world in which they would find their future as one of "clashing doctrines of ideologies that are irreconcilable." The graduates were urged by the senator to assume the obligations that were theirs as adult citizens in creating a better world. In the Baccalaureate services Sunday night, May 26, Dr. Clark Stevens, professor of biological science at Harding, advised the graduating students to seek after godly wisdom, a quality that is certainly a requisite to the individual attempting to promote a better future. Dr. Stevens stated that godly wisdom is composed of three component parts - knowledge, sound judgment, and application.