RELIGIOUS LI FE living devotion and spirituality reflected • lives Bowed heads ... a cool breeze . .. moonlight .. quietness - young people in prayer typify religious life at Harding College. Prayer and worship to the Father find their way into college Bible classes, the dining hall, athletic events, and the thoughts of many students throughout the day. Daily chapel, lily pond devotionals, dormitory evening vespers, and Monday night meetings are held expressly for tha t purpose. Academic instruction in Bible is offered each semes ter and through quarterly Bible seminars mor e information can be gained. The annual Bible lectureship and a vigorous program of instruction by the College congrega tion further minister to the students ' spiritual needs. To enable students to focus religious fervor into particular channels, special interes t groups cater to specific needs. A consecrated faculty; ser ious, dedicated students; and programs rich in spiritual instruction and inspiration compose the core from which emanates all phases of r eligious life present at Harding College. NIGHTLY vesper services provide on opportunity for g i rls to por - ,.(,pole in leadership Troining as well as inspirational devotionals . SEMINAR speaker Ira North holds his audience spell-bound as he emphasi zes in a dramatic manner the possibilities of acquainting the world with Christ. IMAGES of students ore mirrored in the lily pond as they pause for a Friday night devotional. The hymns reflect their spirits which exemplify 0 respect for God.