1963-1964 Yearbook

SOCIAL SCIENCE Recognizing the importance of our government problems As the need for each Cl hzen to become well informed on major national and international issues increases because impr oved transporta t ion and communica tion shrinks the world, Harding College feels a responsibil ity to provide each student basic information in the social sciences through general education courses in h'istory, economics, and political science, Because of the growing need for trained l eadership in business, education, and government, the American Studies Program was organized which provides special seminars, lectures, and study trips for interested superior students in these areas, The program seeks to provide a better understanding of the factors contribu t ing to the American way of life, Trips wer e made to Chicago in the fall to New Orleans in the spring to study various business, indu strial, and govern - mental operations, This program is directed by Dr. Clifton L. Ganus, Jr, New faculty members in the division this year are Ted M , Altman and Joe T. Segraves in hi story and Jerry D, Starr in economics and business administration, Ted M. Altman, MA Instructor History Jerome M. Barnes, MAT Instructor Social Science Geneva Combs, BA Instructor Secretarial Science Clifton L. Ganus, Jr. , PhD Professor History Jame , Hedrick, EdD CPA Professor Accounting Dallas Roberh, MA Assistont Professor Political Science ANSWERING a student's question, Mrs. Buford Tucker illustrates the correct procedure. Joe T. Segrave., MA Joe P. Spaulding, PhD Assistant Professor Associate Professor History History .... C. Underwood, MS Billy D. Velider, MS Assistant Professor Assistant Prof&ssor Economics a nd Sociology Business Administra tion ,e. J\ \ < Jerry D. Starr, MBA Ermaf H. Tucker, MS Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Economics Business Education Roy Wellborne, PhD Lonnie E. Pryor, MA Professor ASJOCiate Professor Busi ness Administration Emeritus Social Science 33