1963-1964 Yearbook

Ivan Ulrey, PhD Professor Speech Veme Vog" MA Assistant Professor Spanish Richard W. Walke r, PhD Associate Professor Speech Doyle Glenn Ward, MA Assistant Professor Speech DEDICAT ION and much hard work is exhibited by director George Baggett and bond members a, they spend many long hours in practice preparing for concerts and spirited athletic events. HUMANITIES AND FINE ARTS Study of fine arts arouses appreciation and creativity In a technical and industrial society, there is a strong tendency to relegate the humanities and fine arts to a secondary position. Harding College realizes, however, the importance of the liberal arts tradition in producing men who know something of the culture and literature of the past and who have the ability to communicate their ideas effectively to others. The general education program includes courses in art and music appreciation, composition, basic speech, and world literature. Major programs are offered in art, English, journalism, music, and speech. The objectives of this division are implemented by several of the student organizations-chorale, A Cappella, band, debating, dramatics, an,d student publications. Mr. Neil B. Cope, professor of journalism, is serving as divisional chairm,ln. Dr. James L. Atteberry, Jr. became chairman of the Department of English in the spring of 1963 . New teachers in the Department of English are Venita Bridger and Grover C. Goyne. Faculty members in art, music, and journalism fill many requests from the community for their special services. LITERATURE comes to life as Dr. l. C. Sears stresses the importance of the Shakespearean era by providing much extraneous information of the period. 29