The Petit Jean Staff Faculty Ad visor Editor Assistant Edi tor Caption and Copy Editor Assistants Administration Editor S,"d~n t Life Editor Assistant Athktic Editor Assistant Orp;anizations Editor Ass istan t Sorial Clubs Editor Ass istants Cl ass~s Edi tor Ass istant Dir~ct()ry Editor Assis tants Typis ts and Proofreaders Photowapher Assistant Photographer Ass istant L )out, Editor ASSIstants Pro~ ram Coordinator I\lIsinrss Mana!\er A..,sistant Sl'f r(' tan('s S 111'MIH'tl Dr. Jose ph E. Pryor EDITORIAL Sandra Ela ine Childers Judy Evans Judy Evans Jimmy Jones. BetTy Davis. Ri cha rd Hughes. Karen Pa rsons. Joe Belew. Mary Ethel Bales Kathleen Valen ti ne Ma ry Ann Phillips Mary Ann Eddy Larry Ruckman David T aylor Ba rbar a Boaz Jill Graddy Florence Klemm Sandy Mill s, Randy Robinette Karen Mock Pat Ch ambliss Carol Sexson Frank Acker s, Ma rilyn McElroy, Judy Holloway Carmen Camperell , Pat McMackin PHOTOGRAPHY LAYOUTS AND ART BUSINESS David Burks Jim Ed Gray Rosemary Hoover Mary Lou Yarbrough Reggie Berry, Connie Wolfe Lindsay Jones Leighton Waters Mike Waters Marta Henley, Kareen McElroy Ron French. Ter ry Smith, Lynn Reeves, Roy Reaves, Charles Devore. Richard Perkin s, David Taylor