Organization directory A Cappella Chorus 116 Dactylology 128 Oriental Club A Tempo 117 Delta Chi Omega 135 PEMM African Club 115 Delta Iota 157 PETIT JEAN Alpha Chi Honor Society 208 Ensemble and Quartet 116 Phi Alpha Theta Alpha Epsilon Chi 153 European Club 115 Phi Delta Alpha Phi Kappa 154 Frater Sodalis 158 Pi Gamma Psi Alpha Psi Omega 121 Galaxy 159 Pi Kappa Delta American Collegiate Playe~s 121 GATA 136 Pioneer American Studies Group 123 Grace Wells 131 Pre-Med Club Australian Club Band Belles and Beaux Beta Phi Ka ppa Beta Tau Gamma Big Sisters BmTSU BISON Bison Boosters British Columbia Camera Club Campus Players Cheerleaders Chi Sigma Alpha Chorale Circle K Colhecon 114 Interclub Council 130 Regina 119 Ju Go Ju 137 Science Club 117 Kappa Delta 138 Sigma Tau Sigma 153 Kappa Kappa Kappa 139 Student Association 134 Kappa Phi 140 SNEA 131 Koinonia 160 Sub-T 16 124 Ko Jo Kai 141 Theta Alpha Gamma 110 Lambda Sigma 161 Theta Psi 129 Las Companeras 142 Timothy Club Club 115 Latin American 115 TNT 125 MENC 119 Tofebt 120 Mohican 162 Travelaires 104 Montreal Club 115 Varsity Club 156 Mu Eta Adelphian 157 Who's Who 118 OCAPA 122 WHC 130 OEGE 144 Zeta Phi Zeta 124 Omega Phi 145 Zeta Rho As the final pages of the book . . . were being completed, and the Petit Jean was drawing to a close, we fel t it necessary to express our appreciation for the efforts on the parts of many individuals. Especially do we wish to express sincere thanks to Dr. Joe Pryor for his calming influence and constant encouragement; to Bob Brewer for expressive captions; to Rosalie Burks for many and varied tasks necessary; to Russell Simmons, Regina Stevens, and the Publications staff for additional pictures and kind words; to Herman West and the Harding Press staff for their patience and interest; to Roger and Ben Red for printing pictures, the class portraits and the color photos; to Dr. T. A. Formby for his contribution to the dedication; to the Student Personnel staff for helping us find information; to Mrs. Oran Vaughan, Mrs. Guy Thompson, and Mrs. Lewis Ely for the use of their beautiful homes in taking the personality pictures; to John Clark of American Yearbooks for his guidance and services in producing the yearbook; to the advertisers for their continued support; and to the 1964 staff members for their work and sacrifices. Thank you. SANDRA CHI LOERS LEIGHTON WATERS 115 125 112 122 146 125 121 163 127 147 127 164 108 126 165 167 148 114 166 149 118 105 74 150 151 152 277