1963-1964 Yearbook

Searcy Clinic Dr. J . T. Hestir Chiropractor Dr. J. D. Patterson Dentist Dr. Frank I. Gosnell Dentist The Professional People Salute the Students of Harding College Drs. Garrison & Flippin Optometri sts Dr. Robert J . Dacus Optomet ri st Porter Rodgers Hospita l Dr. Lee A. Biggs Optometri st Dr. Bruce Robbins Dentist Dr. George E. Alcott Dentist Bald Knob The Divisional Picture-Advertisement Courtesy of HEADLEE DRUG Compliments of DANIEL FUNERAL HOME COMPLIMENTS OF First National Bank of Eastern Arkansas Forrest City, Arkansas SINCE 1886 STRONG DEPENDABLE WHITE HOUSE GROCERY Located near the campus for your convenience. Let the EUBANKS AGENCY hondle al l you r insu rance problems . " For security tomorrow - see Eubanks today." 275