1963-1964 Yearbook

BIBLE James R. All e n, MRE Assista nt Professor Bi ble James D. Bal es , PhD Professor Christian Doctrine l e slie Burke , MA Professor Greek and Hebrew William J. Hacker, MRE Assistant Professor Religious Educa tion Earl Cona rd Hays, BD Associa te Professor Bi ble and Church History Robert Helsten, MA Assis ta nt Professor Bible Goals and values are guided by inspiration and instruction The principle upon which Harding College was founded is that the Bible is the most important subject that can be taught. To see that this truth is given concrete reality in the lives of the students, each student enrolls in a Bible course each semester . The Department of Biblical Language reinforces the Bible Department. In addition to the college curriculum, the Bible program includes such activities as r el igious seminars conducted by outstanding spiritual leaders, special mission interest and evangelism groups, and an annual fall Bible lectureship . THROUGHOUT each day students climb these stai rs, emblematic of the heights aHained by studying Christian ideals and applying practical principles. The Bible Department is staffed by a group of dedicated men who are genuinely interested in the spiritual development of each student. W. Joe Hacker, Jr., serves as chairman of the department and co-ordinator of campus r eligious activities. During the fall semester Andy T . Ritchie visited 1110 Holy Land and missionaries in Europe and Afr ica while John McRay completed residence work at the University of Chicago on the Ph .D. degree in New Testament. During the spring semester Jimmy Allen visited the Holy Land for special study . Align l. Isom, ThM Instructor Bible Joh n R. McRay , MA Assistant Professo r Bible Neale Thomas Pryor, ThM Assis tant Professo r Bible Andy T. Ritchie, MA Assistant Professor Bi ble 25