BEN FRANKLIN STORE Shop Ben Franklin Where your dollar ha s more " cents!" Searcy, Arkansas Export repairing of Watches-Clocks-Jewelry C. J, FANSLER JEWELER Quality first service always-Ultrasonic cleaning 11 0 E. Vine Searcy Phone CH 5·2736 KROH'S LADIES APPAREL 102-104 N. Spring Phone CH 5-4914 East Market Grocery Frozen Foods , Groceries , Meats Only one block from campus PHONE CH 5-3943 FROSTY TREAT Take a study break - go to the FROSTY TREAT and treat yourself to a thick malt and a juicy hamburger. ALL EN'S BAKERY We specialize in decorat ing ca kes and pastr ies. Home Of Good Things To Eat Phone CH 5-2875 * GMC * Pontiac B0LTON'S * Frigidaire * Cadillac Phone CH 5-3541 SEARCY, ARKANSAS 261