1963-1964 Yearbook

IOARD Of TRUSTEES: FRONT ROW, McReynolds , Johnson, Fuller, Groves, Ben son, Boldwin. SECOND ROW: Cone, Ale)( ander, Mci nTeer, Th ompson , Roberts , Peebles, Hendri)( , Green. Directing the policies of Harding College is the monumental task of the BOARD OF TRUSTEES. This organization serves the school by meeting biannually to make decisions concerning the goals and the development of Harding. Serving without salary is exemplary of their dedica tion and devotion to Christian education. Dr. L. M. Graves, M.D., a member of the Board since 1941, has served as Ch airman since 1954. Other officers are Dr. Houston T. Karnes, Vice-Chairman ; W. D. Beeman, Treasurer; and R. D. Fuller, Secretary. New members of the Board are John D. Baldwin, James T. Cone, and Olen Hendrix. Balancing Harding's budget is only one phase of LOTI TUCKER's work as business manager. Besides supervising the financial affairs, Mr. Tucker is in charge of maintenance for the school's multi-million dollar plant, supervising Harding's auxiliary enterprises, and supervising construction on the campus. He is also responsible for investment of the school's endowment funds. Mr. Tucker is a member of the Southern Association of College and University Business Officers. He is active in Searcy affairs as secretary of the Municipal Planning Commission and as a past officer in the Searcy Kiwanis Club. Little League boys benefit from his coaching each summer. POSSESSING w ise judgment and on alert mind , Busi ness Manager lott Tucker , the ep itomy of effiC iency, hondles Harding 's f inancial responsibil ities , 21