RADIATING anticipa tion and eagerness, the members of the 19 63 Homecoming Court ore seated by thei r escorts around queen Corio Bell to await the kickoff of the lo st game of a successful season . STUDENT LIFE Co-operation is strengthened through fellowship MUTUAL enjoyment is evident as do rmitory studen ts Mi ke lawyer, Johnny Jordon, and Gary Bolen gleefully devour a coke marking M ike 's eigh teen th bi rthday . Homecoming Day at the Academy was a day of anticipation for all students. The crowning of the queen , the exciting football game, and the Halloween victory-party were highlights of the day. Living in the dorm at Harding was a unique experience for most students. Many students developed spiritually, academically, and socially during their months in the Academy dorm. A number of students spent their study hours in the library doing research which would prepare them for college, a goal which is set by most students in the Academy. Social clubs gave girls a chance to know one another better. Girls in the clubs learned to organize work, choose worth-while projects, and accept responsibilities. Pledge week, banquets, and the second functions were exciting for everyone. The members of the Junior basketball team eagerly learned the basic skills of the game, and developed co-ordination in executing these skills. As the school year drew to a close, the students looked forward with anticipation to the future, yet each felt compelled to look back on his years in the Academy and to consider the uplifting activities in which he had participated while at Harding.