1963-1964 Yearbook

in accomplishment permeates atmosphere The many phases of Harding Academy .life ffer intriguing activities of all types to everyone. The beginning of a semester gives a chance to the old students to renew friendships of past years and make friends of those new students ~ ~I(is·terii ng for the first time. involves boys and girls alike. School flourished under a team of well-trained backed by the student body's full support. The spiritual aspect has its place in the student's li fe, too. Daily Bible classes arc followed chapel devotionals. Several chorus groups dein students an appreciation for the avenue voices in praise to God as well as for personal is an outlet for students having talent and wishing to develop it. Toward this end, two big dramatic productions have bea trad itional part of every school year. The an ticipated ten minute break from ('arne at snack time as students had th e [ " ••nnrhlm i !iv to discuss school activities. one of their many programs all year, chorus members present frul" of hord doily practice and depth of feeling in ,heir music. DISPLAYING practical application of the Academy school spirit held by all, Molly Mason and Ann Clark decorate holls before a football game. 219