ADMINISTRATlON Administrators exhibit energy and competence _._ ..... --_ . _ ...... . ......-.u DR. R. T. CLARK has brought a new era to Harding. As vice-president in charge of research, he has set up a complete physical fitness program which includes fitness testing, conditioning classes, and physiology research. Dr. Clark's coaching aptness has been demonstrated by the Arkansas Intercollegiate Conference championship won by his cross-country team, which also racked up honors by placing eleventh in the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics meet at Omaha, Nebraska, in the fall of 1963. His kindly humor and friendly smile have made him a favorite of juniors as they selected him for a co-sponsor of their class. With the entire student body he is popular as a speaker, coach, instructor, and friend. Dr. Clark has been a loyal alumnus of Harding College since his graduation. He received the Distinguished Alumnus Award at the 1962 commencement. Members of the Alumni Association elect the recipient. The announcement of his joining the faculty was a welcome one. NATIONALLY known for his work in the field of scietltific research, Or . Robert T. Clark tokes a brief time out from his taxing schedule. 2() DR. CLIFTON L. GANUS, JR. capably holds several positions at Harding. Other than being vice-president of the school, he is chairman of the Department of History and Social Science, Dean of the School of American Studies and chairman of the Graduate Council. He holds membership in Alpha Chi, national honor society. He is a participant in the Lion's Club, Searcy Chamber of Commerce and serves on the Board for the Quapaw area Council of the Boy Scouts of America. Dr. Ganus is known nationally for his advocation of Americanism in speeches before various civic, industrial, and educational groups. Each summer he directs a youth seminar on Americanism at Harding for high school students. In spite of his busy schedule, he always works with students. He is sponsor of the Sub-T-men's club and he avidly supports all Bison sports. TRAVELING across the notion and lecturing Widely, Dr. Ganus ably presents Hard ing 'S strong be lief in bos ic Ameri can ideo Is.