1963-1964 Yearbook

teachers add to effectiveness of curriculum Endravoring to main ta in the high standar ds of education set up by the North Centr al Aslociation of Colleges and Secondary Schools, ilLlrdiing Academy increased its effectiveness by adding eight young and conscientious faculty membrrs. Mrs. Ted Maple, th e new sponsor of the KAT social club and the Future Homemakers of Ameri ca, was added to the Home Economics Department. Mr. Bill Diles taught a ;lI1liJllI,cr of business courses and a Bible class . Larry Bills was the chorus director for both school and junior high, and an ins tructor music and Bible. Miss Frances Mayer, the new Sub-Deb sponsor , thr physical education teacher for both and senior high girls. Mrs. W . C. Wel sh sprech and drama. Mr. Carlton Burke math during the firs t semester while Mrs. was in Europe on a campaign wi th her Imsbarld. Mi ss Ruth Browning, who had been in junior high, also taught freshman sophomore English . Mrs. Larry Bill s wa s challrnging seventh grade teacher . Each tcachcr willingly exerted his effort and to aid in the growth of the students in all of daily life. Myrtle Row. , BA Elementory School Irma Welsh, MA l ibrary, Speech Wi nnie Williams Secretary DEVELOPING skill s in the various busi ness fields, Academy students take advan tage of classes tought by M r. Diles to prepare for industrial jobs. REALI ZING the importan ce of learn ing Christian pri ncip les ea rl y in life. interested parents send thei r children to the Harding elementary school. 217 ADD .". ,