1963-1964 Yearbook

Larry Bills, BA Music and Bible Bill Diles, MA Business and Bible Ted Lloyd, BA Science, Bible, Coach Sara Bills, BA Junior High School Dale Gould, BA Science Paula Maple, MA Home Economics Mildred Bixler, BA Elementary School Mildred Groover, BA Junior High School frances Moyer, BA Physical Education Ruth Browning , MAT English Mary Helsten , BA Elementary School Inez Pickens, BA English MAKING English a vital and interesti ng subject, Mrs, Pickens urges her students to develop moturity 05 well os to increase their working knowledge in the important fields of English ond literature. Carlton Burke Mathematics Ed Higginbotham, BA Physica l Education florence Powell , MA Elementary Schoo l Sally Cunningham Secretary Lois lawson, MAT Elementary School Kathryn Ritchie, SA Mathematics