r Perry S. Mason, MA, Academy SuperinTendent ~~~INISTRAT I ON administration . gives incentive to work PERRY S. MASON, MA, is the superintendent Harding Academy. He has helped the develop a more Christian standard takes pride in what the Academy is trying build. Among his widely varied duties is OllS<lrshi',p of both the Key Club and the itizlenship Club. ITe is constantly at work to DDrm'e the community as well as the school. Mason is a member of the Kiwanis Club. IS very well known for his work in promotAm('riranism. E BERRYHILL, MA, the principal of the is responsible for the seventh through tw"lfth grades. He is most familiarly seen in the operations of the school. Mr. Berryt aches social science and is an ardent fan th V. ildcats. MAUDE :vIONTGOMERY, MA, has for the fIVe years been principal of the Harding School. In this capacity she has to promote the activities of the first six Among her varied responsibilities, Mrs. 1oI~t@:onlery has supervision over the student ladlers from the College. Maude Montgomery, MA, Elementary School Principa l J. E. Berryhill, MA, Academy Princi pal 215