DEDI CATION Coach gains recognition and respect from seniors Mr. Ted lloyd, BA NAMED "Cooch of the Yeo," in football for Arkansas " S" schools, Coach lloyd anxiously watches his boys corry out a ploy against rival Augusto. We know you first as a Christian. Your outstanding example in the classroom and on the athletic field has inspired us all to strive for better things. Your knowledge of science and your help in making us, as students, understand it awed us. Your patient coaching not only helped give us an outstanding year in sports, but also made us realize your keen interest in each person as an individual. So we, the seniors of 1964 ... because of your dedication to the Academy way of life, your encouragement of school spirit, your wisdom and knowledge, and because we like you ... dedicate our portion of the Petit Jean to you, Coach Ted Lloyd. These words spoken by a very famous coach, Amos Alonzo Stagg, seem to typify our coach: "To me the coaching profession is one of the noblest and most far- r eaching in building manhood. No man is too good to be the athletic coach for youth. Not to drink, not to gamble, not to smoke, nor to swear ... to be fair-minded.... to deal justly ... to be honest in thinking and square in dealing ... not to bear personal malice or harbor hatred against rivals . . . not to be swell-headed in victory or over-alibi in defeat ... to be the sportsman and gentleman at all times . . . those should be the ideals of the coach. " DEDICATED to his family, Coach Lloyd lives in Searcy with his wife Morcelene and son Rees, who ore also ardent Wildcat fans.