1963-1964 Yearbook

SMILING people hurrYlr,g down the hallway seem to soy ils lunch time . GUIDED by her leocher, Dione Slevens leorns the use of homemaking skilh. 212 OPENING Academy puts values within the reach of all students The Academy way of life suggests something very special to each of its students as individuals, and to every student body that passes through its doors each year. Every student realizes his potentials through tJ,e guidance of capable, consciencious, Christian teachers. In helping others learn as well as himself, he explores the many phases of science, and masters the fundamentals in math, grammar, literature, and other basi c courses. He gains skills for later use in business and art. His history classes give him a better knowledge of past events in order to face the future with more understanding. But the Academy offers more than classroom learning. Social and service clubs give each student a chance to work with his fellow classmates in service for others. A strong athletic program offers opportunity for each to develop physically as well as mentally and socially. It also affords an outlet for strong school spirit. A love of music by students inspires th e chorus to sing with their hearts as well as their voices . So all of this provides to the Academy students a means of putting the fullness of life within the reach of all. STUDYING life points Bruce Henson on the rood toword knowledge.