Providing assistance to parents to " train up a child in the way he sh ould go" in ever y facet of life, the H arding Academy and Elemen tary Sch ool afford · each studen t the opportunity to obtain excellent academic preparation with a Christian emphasis. Th is college prepar atory school prepar es students for the ir individua l roles in li fe and sends a pp roximately ninety per cent of its graduates to college. The close association between teacher and student contributes much to achieving th e goals of th e Academy and t o ma king the curriculu m vitaL T he association of studen ts with each other in various activities dr aws them together in Chri sti an brother - hood and h elps each student develop his per sonality and charac ter. The H arding Academy br ings a st rong academic program and a Ch ristian environment WITH IN THE REACH of young people.