1963-1964 Yearbook

ALPHA CHI Society excellent grade • recognizes averages CONGRATULATIONS for be ing accepted into the A lpha Chi honor society ore gillen 10 new member Sond ra Teufe rl by Jimmie Lawson a nd Jani e M iller. 208 The Alpha Honor Society, Harding's local h onor society founrled in 1936 petitioned the National Counci l of Alpha Chi for membership in the fall of 1956 and the Arkansas Eta Chapter of Alpha Chi was insta lled on March 1, 1957 The purpose of Alpha Chi is the promotion and recognition of supe rior scholarship and the elements of character that make scholarship effective for service. Membership in Alpha Chi is limited to juniors and seniors who have attended Harding Coll ege for at least one year and who rank in the upper ten per cent of their class. Juniors must have achieved not less than a 3.70 scholarship average on at least 80 semester hours and seniors not less than a 3.50 average on at least 104 semester hours. Each spring at Commencement the graduating member with the highest academic average is awarded an honor key. Jimmie Lawson, president of the local chapter, received the Region II Alpha Chi Scholarship for 1963-64. Dean Joseph E. Pryor, sponsor of the Arkansas Eta Chapter, serves as SecretaryTreasurer of Region II and Associate Editor of The Recorder, the Society's journal. Dr. James L. Atteberry and Robert Helsten served this year as faculty advisors to the local chapter. Fronk Acke,., Psychology Sylvia Aday English Joel Andenon Polit icol Science aeverly Beard Bus iness Education Don Bowman Business Administration Butch Bradsher Mathemat ics