·""'LluATE SCHOOL cialized study characteristic of graduates A graduate program leading to the Master of in Teaching degree, fully accredited by the Central Association of Colleges and SecSchools, is available on the Searcy camIlarding College. The graduate curricuis designed to strengthen background knowin the student's major teaching field and provide additional profess ional knowledge is needed for effective student instruction . nred study is offered in the teaching a reas ish and humanities, social science and science. Each summer an American workshop is conducted for qualified students in social science. The objecof the graduate program is the preparation superior elementary and secondary tea chers. The \IIaster of Arts, Master of Relig ious Eduand Master of Theology degrees are upon satisfactory completion of one, and three years, respectively, of advanced at the I larding Graduate School of Bible igion at Memphis . The education of efgospel preachers, ca pable educational lrecto,rs, and qualified Bible chair administrais the primary goal of this division of Harwhirh was started in Searcy in 1955 and to Memphis in 1958. Dr. W. B. West, Jr. dean. JEAN THOMPSON Murray Hill , N. J. as, Biology CAIOLYN TUCKER Litti. lock, Ark. M, English .ICH....D TUCKER Columbus. O. lA, Music Education JIM WATSON W"t Monro. , la o IA. Physico I Education Fort Worth, Tex. es, Biology CAROLINE WHITE s.arcy. Aril . IA. Elementary Education GIVING in struction and advice is one of the many ways graduote sch ool profe~so r s \ike Dr. Spaulding come in conlact with sludents in their work. (:..::.- • 207