1963-1964 Yearbook

ADMINISTRATION Dedication and enthusiasm motivate Dr. Benson DR. GEORGE S. BENSON's world is filled with Christian principles. high ideals for the Ameri· can way of life, and the advancement of Har· ding College. It is the kind of world which has a never·ending stream o[ work to be done and one which demands continual vigorous activity. For the past year he has been engrossed in the "Greater Harding" program and by Decem· ber 1, 1963, he had ra ised more than one and one· fourth million dollars for the planned build· ings on the Searcy and Memphis campuses. The proposed goal of two mill ion dollars is becom· ing a r eality. Another vital rol0 which Dr. Benson fills is that of being an elder in the College Church of Christ in Searcy. Dr. and Mrs . Benson should always be an inspiration to students because of the dedica tion and devo tion they have for Christ and His kingdom. Serving ably as secretary for the president, Miss Marguerite O'Ban ion works diligen tly to aid Dr. Benson and Harding College. TIRELESSLY perfo.ming her dUlies as executive secretory, Miss Marguerite O 'Sonion proves invaluable to Dr. Benson. STRIKING a pensive pose, Dr. Benson seems to contemplate the futures of the 1962 graduates before the ceremonies begin ,realizing thai he has on initial port in molding the lives of many students. 18