1963-1964 Yearbook

HERBERT RYAN TOUCHTON, Jacksonville, Fla .; Physical Education; Transfer from York College; Sub·T 3,4; H·Club 3,4; Intercollegiate Basketball 3.4. NORMAN TUBB, Benton, Ark .; Biology; Transfer from United Stotes Air Force Acodemy; Mohican 1,2,3.4, Pres. 3; S. A. Treas. 3; Dactylology 2; Petit Jean 3 ; Sison Boosters 1,2; Alpha Psi Omega 2,3,4, Business Manager 3; Campus Players 1,2.3,4; H-Cl ub 1,2,3,4; Intercollegiate .Football 1,2,3.4 , Track 1. ANNEnE LaOENE TUCKER, liHl e Ro(k, Ark.; Sociology.Psychology, WHC 1,2.3,.04. Rep. I, Treas . 2, Pres. 3; Bison 4 ; Interc1ub Council 3. LOUISE LORRAINE TUCKER, Waynetown , Ind.; Elementary Education; GATA 1,2,3, 4 , Vice·Pres. 2; May Queen Nominee 3, May Queen Finalist 3; Pe tit Jean 3.4; Class Sec.·Treas. 3; A Cappello 1,2,3; Ensemble 1,2,3; Belles and Beaux 2,3; SNEA 4 ; Bison Boosters 4; Intramural Sports 4. LARRY TURNER, Lin(oln Park, Mich .; Music; Frater Sodalis 1. 2,3,4, Rep. 3; A Cappella 2,3,4, A Tempo 4; Chorale 2,3; SNEA 3,4. GLENN VALENTINE, JR., Dallas, Tex.; Business Administration; TNT 2.3; Pi Gamma 3,4; Intramural Sports 1,2,3,4. WIUAM LEIGHTON WATfItS, Ala(hua, Fla. ; Accounting; Mohican 1,2 ,3,4, Scribe a Who's Who 4; Petit Jean 3,4, Assistant Business Manager 3, Business Manogtf 4; Bison Boosters 1,2; Pi Gamma Psi 2,3,4 ; American Studies 3,4; IMromural Sports 1,2,3,4 . ..:t WEll, Amarillo, Tu.; Mathematics; Transfer from Lubbock Christian CoIItoe and Texas Tech; Tag 3,4. H. WRCH, Spring Hili , Tenn.; PhYSical Education; Transfer from York Mohican 3,4; European Club 3; Chorale 3; SNEA 3.4; Bison Boosters P£MM 3.4; Intramural Football 3. Tu.; Bible; Transfer from York College; Euro· LAJUNE WILLIAMS, York, Neb.; Music Education; Transfer from \'oft College; European Club 3,4; A Cappello 3,4; Ensemble 3; SNEA 3,4. JUDITH WILLINGHAM, Doddsville, Miss.; Bu siness Education; Tofebt 1, s.c. 2, Pres_ 3; SNEA 2,3; Bison Boosters 3,4; Big Sisters 2. WOOD, Jasper, Ala.; Secretarial Science; Transfer from Freed·Hardeman GATA 3,. , Rep. 3; A Cappella 3,4, Ensemble 3; Selles and Beaux 3,4; ANN WORK, Trenton, Mkhlgan ; Elementary Education; Transfer from Junior College; GATA 3; Vice· Pres. 3; European Club 3,4; WYAn, II Dorado, ArIc.; Business Education; Phi Delta 1,2,3,4, Vice· Pres. Dactylology 3; Chorale 1,2; SNEA 2,3,4; Intramural Sports 2,3. LOU YAI.IOUGH, Memphis, Tenn.; Elementary Education; Transfer from College; Kappa Kappa Kappa 3,4, Song leader 4 ; Petit Jean Section Editor . ; SNEA 3. YOUNG, Son Antonio, Tex.; Bible; Transfer from Son Antonio Junior TAG 2,3,., Pres. 2; Timothy Club 2,3,4, Pres. 4; A Ca ppello 3,4, 3,4; Belles and Beau. 3•• ; Intramural Sports 3 .