1963-1964 Yearbook

DOIOTHY CHRISTMAS, Brown sville, Tenn .; Biology; Zeta Rho 1,2,3,4, Pres. 2 , tee· Pres. 3; Pe tit Jean Queen Nominee 3,4 ; Homecoming Attendant 3; British Columbia Club 3; Bond 2,3 ,4; SNEA 4; Bison Boosters 4 ; Intramural Sparts 3 . IRALD W. CLARK, Tuscumbia , Ala .; Physical Educat ion ; Transfer from FreedHardeman College; Sub-T 3,4 ; SNEA 3,4 ; PEMM 2 ,3 ,4 , Pres. 4 ; H-Club 3 ,4 ; ~lIegiote Track 3,4; Intramural Sports 3 ,4 ; AiI·Star Volleyball 3 . LINDA COGDELL, Lafoy.". , La.; English ; Transfer from lou isiana State Un iver· 1ifY; Koppa Ph i 3,4 , Rep. 3; Bi son 3 ,4 ; Orienlol Club 3 ; European Club 3 ; OCAPA 4 Science; Phi Alpha The ta 2; SNEA 2 . .. E. GENE CONNER, Littl . Rock, Ark .; English; Transfer from Howard Payne College; Bilon 2,3,4; Oriental Club, Pres. J ; No rthe rn lights 1; Bond 2 ,3, 4; INEA 2,3,-4; Bison Boosters 2,3,4 ; Press Club 3,4 , Vice-Pres. 4 ; Campus Players 3. • VIA B.IIABETH COPE, Searcy, Ark .; Home Economics; Zela Rho 1,2 ,3 ,4 , Hist . 4; Dactylology 4 ; Chora le 1, 2,3 ,4 , Sec. 3, Ensemble 1,2 ,3,4 ; SANDIA PAULINE COPE, fort Worth , Tex.; Elementory Educat ion; Theta Psi 3,4 , 4 May Queen Nominee 3 ; Petit Jean 1; SNEA 3, 4; Bison Boosters 4 ; Intramural Spo rt s 1,3,4 . COTTRELL, Atlanta, Go .; Chemist ry; Pioneer 3,4 , Vice · Pres. 3 ; \ ,2 ,3,4 . Ark .; Elementory Education; GATA 1,2,3. 4 , Pres. 3, Yklt-Pres 4 , May Queen Nomi nee 4 , May Queen 4 ; Closs Sec. 4 ; A Cappe ll o ,A, Ensemble 3; Chora le 1,2; Belles a nd Beaux 3,4; SNEA 3 ,4 ; Bison Boos ters 3 -4 ; Inlerclub Counci l 3. JAMES CRISPELL, Cayuta, N. Y.; Social Science; Transfer from Freed - College; Pioneers 3,4 ; SNEA 3,4 ; Phi Alpha Theta 3,4 ; Intramural CUNNINGHAM, Searcy, Ark.; Bible ; Transfer from FreedCollege: Al pha Chi 4; Who' s Who 4 ; Timothy Club 3 ,4 . DALTON , Overland, Mo.; Chemistry; Pioneer 1,2 ,3; Cho ra le 1; SNEA 1; Boosters 1; Science Club 2 ,3 , Pres . 3; In tramural Sports 1,2,3. ctical application seen • In audio -visual aids USEFUL p rOIe<:TS a re port of Ihe teach ing skills learned by Beverly Beard and Marilynn Tollerson in A-V. 173