AGREEMENT among class officers is evident as Senior Pres. Vernon Rogers makes suggestions to Vice· Pres. Phil Sturm, Sec.-Treas. Ann Crawford, and sponsors Bob Gilliam and Jack Ryan. SENIORS Willingness characterizes 170 • senior class officers REGINA SPIRIT AWARD NAITA JEAN BERRYHILL Excell ing in man y a reas, Naita Jean Berryhill has been selected by her classmatos as the student who evidenced most clearly the true spirit of Harding College. Nai ta Jean, through her attitudes, personality, and conduct., typifies the sincere Christian which is the ideal Harding student. A warm persona lity, a fri endly smile. and a devotion to God and His service won her this honor. "Missy," as sh e is known by many of her friends, a ttended Harding Academy for twelve years. She is a voca ti onal home economics major and is very active in Colhecon. Naita Jean has been an energe ti c member of the A Cappella Chorus and was in the Belles and Beaux group which toured Europe in 1962 under usa auspices. She was sel ected to Who's Who this year. A class favorite h er freshman year, Naita Jean has r emained a favorite throughout her years at Harding.