1963-1964 Yearbook

AlIMA GAMMA. TOP ROW: N. Pryor (sponsor), T. Pryor (sponsor), John Belasco, Judy Belasco , B. Bell , J . Brown , J . Co rter , P. Ca rt er, D. Chandler, SECOND ROW: R. Curtis, D. Dykes, P. Dykes, H. Hays, W. Hays, A. Kennison , C. Kennison , J . Klein , D. Kos towski , K. Kos towski. TH IRD Jerry lafevers, Joyce loFevers, J. landers, R. Peck, A. Peugh , O. Peugh , G. Reaves , R. Reaves , B. Thomas , W. Thoma s. FOURTH ROW: D. Uthe, G. O. Warden , J. Warden, L Worner , E. White, R. Williams , W. Williams , D. Young , J. Young . A ALPHA GAMMA enjoy caroling, gifts, fun at Yule party A potlurk supper for all married students and famili~s began an active year for TAG. event was an open invitation for couples to bec:onle m~mb~rs. Thirty-five couples completed final m~mbership list. Early in tlw fall , a submarine sandwich party h~lrI. The next important activity was th e party in the Emerald Room of th e ("('nter. The men's quartet of the club, ,inl'ing, and exchanging gifts provided latertl~inrn~nl for the group. The club project of year "as helping a needy family at Christthus enabling th em to share their joy. Several skating parties were held in the TIl(' dub provided social activity and Irllol,psornr fun for the families, and the events \\ell attended . The children and adults the opportunity to become well acJ Belosco, Pres. R. Reaves, Vice-Pres.; A. Peugh, Sec.- frevo ond Neale Pryor Sponsors. SEEKING recreation, TAG's e n lOY a ska tmg pa rTy , bUT one husban d is inTe rrup ted w ith a request for money Club Queen Connie Kenni son j