1963-1964 Yearbook

16. TOP ROW: Ganus (sponsor). Higginbotham (sponsor). Afgee. Bai ley. Bales. Borden. Barker. Brock. Campbell. Carter. SECOND ROW, l. Casey. G. Clark. R. Cla rk. Colema n. Cride r. Dea n. Eoff. Ganus III , Gi bson. THI RD ROW, Ha wki ns, Henry, 150m, Jacobs, Jo nes, l awson, La wyer. Medley. FOURTH ROW, Miller, Paul , Patton, Peacock. Phi ll ips. Randolph. Robb. Roge rs. Shields, Simpson. FIFTH ROW, Spi llman, Slalom, ........."., Touchton , Tucker, Underwood, G. Va lent ine, J . Vol ent ine. Watson, Woodard. Woodward . rdi Gras celebration attended by members A trip to Mardi Gras was the highlight of the of approximately fifteen Sub-T's who made trip together. They also enjoyed relating N~w Orleans experiences to their club Bowling captured the interest of the club . In close p;ame against a team from TAG, th e won the bowling championship. Social functions consisted of an outing to Bee in th~ fall, and an informal banquet in The sea was used as the theme of the ::~:::~' in keeping with the club motif. The was held at the Legion Hut. An all·day outing was planned for the spring, th~ mrmbers looked forward to hiking aud The club spirit and morale was boosted by the intrrest shown by the sponsors and queen . appreciation of this support, the members these the honored guests at the banquet . . Peacock. Skipper; lawson , First Mole; Alg ee. Yeama n; Treal.; Clifton Ganus, Ed Higg inbotham, Sponsors. MENAC INGLY, Ken Spillman aims for a strike as his learn members cheer him on during the bowling competition. Sub· T 16 won the bowling tournament. Club Queen Janie Miller