MOHICAN. TOP ROW: Perrin !sponsorl. Prock (sponsor I, Arnett, Bailey, Brewer, Brown, Calloway, Chandler, B. Davis, J. Davis, SECOND ROW, Eldridge. Forsee, French, Golyon, Haines, Hanshew, Harris, Jennings, Jeter, Jernigan. THIRD ROW, lodd, lorenz, McAfee, McGee, Maddox, Moore, Moss, Outlow, Paullin, Bill Pearcy. FOURTH ROW: Bob Pearcy, Preston, Robertson, Ruckman, Samanie, Simmons, J. Smith, T. Smith, Sullins, Taylor. FIFTH ROW: Tippery, Tubb, Van Rheenan, L. Woters, M. Waters, Welch, West , White, Winter, Woodfin. MOHICAN New blazers, emblems represent members' spirit FOUR Mohican participants in the Speech Arts Tournament check the schedule of competition os they prepare to retain the high honors won in previavs years. OFFICERS. M. Waters, Big Chief; Ruckman, little Chief; Paullin, Scribe; Bill Pearcy, Wam· pum Man; Ken Perrin, John Prock, Sponsors. Club Queen Dorothy Christmas Handsome new gold-colored blazers with black and r ed emblems were purchased and proudly worn by Mohicans. The members exhibited a high club spirit not only by these blazers, but by their activities together throughout the year. Seventeen new Indians were added to the tribe at secret ceremonies at the lower dam. These initiates were deemed worthy as a result of their meritorious works, such as cleaning the lily pond. Teamwork was in evidence as the Mohicans won the big club volleyball championship. They ilso won second place in big club football. In November, in an appropriate western setting, the group held a third function at the pumping station's recreation hall. Queen Dorothy Christmas baked cakes and cookies for the members. The club appreciated her support and representation, and they honored her at the spring formal banquet.