LAMBDA SIGMA Club quartet sings at informal pancake supper A stag outing at scenic Tahkodah in the fall was the first activity enjoyed by r eturning Lambdas. Pledge week soon took their a ttention. and nine pledge were initiated. Informal cer e· monies were at Dr. Spaulding's farm. Formal initiation was held in the Bible Building. On November 18, a unique third fun ction was held at the Legion Hut. The occasion was a pancake supper; the club quartet and Ben Ste· wart sang. The members presented a white blazer to their club queen in appreciation of her representa tion ( the group. Throughout the year, the queen often surprised the boys with delicious cakes. Kelley's was chosen for the spring banquet on March 21. An outing was also scheduled for the pring IAMIOA SIGMA. TOP ROW: Allison (sponsor), Rushton (sponsor ). Ash · berry, Berry , Block. SECOND ROW: Chisholm, Cope, Davis, Dockery, Edge . 1M RO ROW, R French, S. French, Go rdner, Harri s, Hughes. FOURTH ROW: 8 Johnson , It Johnson , Jones, Knight. FIFTH ROW: Murra y, Osbu rn. ,.,., nl, Rckord , Robine"e. SIXTH ROW: Smith , Trent , Turner, Whitten , oun9 ~ ~~~.~~~;~ JUMPING together d uri ng their practice session, Ga ry Turn e r and larry Davis ore wa tched closely by Roger Johnson as they prepare for a n upcoming game.