1963-1964 Yearbook

,,1IIo1.\,rlO Golaxy dub members celebrate their long -hoped-for victory a ft er defealing rival lambda Sigma for the large club softba ll chompiOf'lship. Club Queen Chorlotte Burke" alentine banquet is featured function of the year actlvltles kept the Galaxy members After initiation of pledges at the Davis ' the club made plans for their social rtm,cti,ons and project. hootenanny was held in January at the pwnping station where the couples enjoyed and chili. In February, a Valentine banat Buck Powers Restaurant called for lovely 8CO,ratlOrlS and a romantic atmosphere. At Christmas, tJ1e club joined with other 's clubs to give food baskets to needy families Searcy. Sports engaged the interest of the club, and year was off to a good start when Galaxy the large club softball championship. Other were enjoyed by the members, even no other championships were won. An outing was planned for the spring at one the various scenic areas near campus. Heinselman, Pres.; Bailey, Vice-Pre-s. ; Stotts, Sec.; Sewell , Ken Davis, Jr., Jock Ryan, Russell Simmons , Sponsors. GALAXY. TOP ROW, Davis (sponsor), Ryan (sponsor]. Simmons (sponsor!. Abney. SECOND ROW: Boiley, Boggs, Bradsher, Bray, Burleson . THIRD ROW: Carter, Church, Day, DeFoor, Dye. FOURTH ROW: Fairley, Gordner, Heinselman, lombert, McKinney. FIFTH ROW: Pounds, Roder, Richmond , Sewell, Sizemore. SIXTH ROW: Smith, Stevens, Stotts, Trickey, Wainwright . 159