1963-1964 Yearbook

FRATER SODALIS Banquet has'Splendor of Autumn's Enchantment' Club Queen Charol.tt. Chitty 158 .. , - i I .. }; ,- \( Sports activities were important to the Fraters, and they prepared to defend their track and field championship. The eleven pledges were encouraged to contribute their talents. A Thanksgiving banquet at Kelley's emphasized th e beauty and blessings of autumn. Leaves, pumpkins, com shocks made a suitable background for Larry Turner's rendition of "Autumn Leaves." Dr. Gilliam gave a talk on "Love and Marriage." At semester one of the club sponsors, Jimmy Allen, left for a trip to the Holy Lands. At the same time, Andy Ri tchie, former Frater sponsor, returned from a simila r trip, and reported with the aid of slides on the places h e visited. This presentation was interes ting to all of the Fraters, but especially to those who are Bible majors. OFFICERS . J. Selvidge, Pres.; l a ird, Vice· Pres.; Bolls, Sec.; Kemodle, Treas.; Jerome Bornes, Sponsor James Allen, Sponsor. FRATER SODALIS. TOP ROW: Allen (sponsor). Barnes (sponsor). Baker. Barnes, Baucom. SECOND ROW: Booz, Bolls, Brown, Buck, Chin. TH IRD ROW: Hobby. Homer, Huey, Kernodle, laird. FOURTH ROW: l one, MeCluggage, McCown, Merrin. Saunders. FIFTH ROW: Shannon, Short. D. Selvidge, J. Selvidge, Sam Shewmaker. SIXTH ROW: Sherman Shewmaker, Starling, Turner, Williamson, York. ENJOYING Thanksgivi ng abundances, Georg e Hobby, Karen Smith, Jerry Balls, and Ran Ba rnes help t h~mselve $ 10 smorga sbord delicacies at th~ Frater banquet .