1963-1964 Yearbook

OPPORTUNITY to visit Echo Hoven comes for the AEX members 05 they ore welcomed by their queen for a meeting and refreshments 01 the home ec house EPSILON CHI yldewood is site chosen for third function fun Charcoal grilled hamburgers and roasted .. rs~lm'lllclws at Camp Wyldewood's recr eation constituted the main fare at the AEX fall iDfllmlal function. Action games were enjoyed the participants and observers. A devotional th~ stars climaxed the evening. Kiwanis Park was chosen for the initiation of pledg1es in October. In addition to these new DelnlM!rs, Jerry Starr joined the group as a coA spring formal banquet and an all-day outing on the agenda for the spring semester . informal gatherings were enjoyed during year, including one at Echo Haven with the quc~n as hostess. ~x • • • • • • FALL GWln , Pres.; Jones, Vice -Pres .; Gatewood, Sec.; freas. SPRING: Powell, Pres.; Wear, Vice . Pres.; Stouffer , Sec.; TreCII. Jomes Hedr ick. J erry Sta rr, Sponsors. ALPHA EPSILON CHI. TOP ROW: Hedrick (sponsor). Storr (sponsor). Allison. SECOND ROW: Anthony, Brockett, Bryont, Garrett, Gatewood. THIRD ROW: Gwin, Hile, Jones, Penrod, Peterson. FOURTH ROW, Schremp, Setzler, Smethers, Stauffer, Wear.