1963-1964 Yearbook

Club Beau Wh•• I.r Pounds AFTER presenTing a Volentine coke To their club beau, several LC's offer advice on how to cut and serve iT, having shored a meal with the other club members. LAS COMPANERAS Members make holiday decorations for party LAS COMPANERAS. TOP ROW, PiNmon (sponsor ), Argo, Bentley, Buck, Connon . SECOND ROW: Curtis, Dillon , Harris, Haynes, Howell. TH IRD ROW: Jackson, Kee, Kinard, McElroy, Moore . FOURTH ROW: Murphy, RickeN, Rittenour , Terry , Wheeler. 142 A work party combined with a bunking party was held by members of LC before their December " Backward Party." Original decorations were made for the informal holiday event . A small tree made for the party was la ter used in Kendall 's reception room . Two service proj ects we re undertaken by the club. One was aid to the Leon Clymore family in Africa. The second was the annual composite of senior pictures. March 6 was the da te for the formal banquet at Buck Power s Res taurant. Mr. Joe Segraves was the speaker. The Deltamen quartet entertained . The club bea u gave ca ndy to the group at Christmas and Valentine's . H e was honored with several cakes during the year, and a gift at the banquet. OFFI CERS. FAll , Haynes, Pres. ; Kinord, Vice·Pres.; Bentley, Sec.; Murphy, Treas. SPRING: Haynes, Pres.; Kinard , Vice-Pres.; Harris, Sec.; Argo, Treas .; JeaneTte Pittman , Sponsor.