1963-1964 Yearbook

KAPPA PHI Pledge books made at October bunking party KAPPA PHI. TOP ROW, Perrin (sponso r), Alexander, Allison, Ashton, Ault. SECOND ROW; BorretT, Barry, Cogdell, Ely, Flessner. THIRD ROW: fugate, fowler, Handley, Hawkins, Kerr. FOURTH ROW; Mobley, Smith, Slorr, Tooke, Wilson. CAREFULLY guarding on opponent who is trying for a score, three Kappa Phi's ore alert and r&Ody for action, as they gain victory over Bela Tau Gomma's leam. 140 Nine pledges completed pledging activities previous to initiation ceremonies. The Ely home in Searcy was the location of informal initiation. Formal ceremonies were held at the home of the sponsor, Mrs. Perrin. Before pledge week, the actives held a bunking party on October 6 to make pledge books, fill out invitations~ and plan the initiations. A hay ride at Camp Wyldewood in late November was the club's third function. The couples enjoyed the fall weather and beautiful scenery. April 11 was chosen for a spring formal banquet. The members planned ahead for this social event, and wOI'kcd hard on favors, decorations, and programs. They also planned ahead for the spring outing. Sports competition was enjoyed by the club. Informal gatherings and committee meetings throughout the year helped the girls become acquainted. OffiCERS. FALl: Storr, Pres.; Barrett, Vice.Pres.; Ely. Sec.; Mobley, Treas. SPRING, Smith, Pres.; Alexander, Vice-Pres.; Cogdell, Sec.; Borrett, Treas .; Elizabeth Perrin, Sponsor. Club Beau Gail RU5sell