1963-1964 Yearbook

Club Beau Lov. rd Peacock KAPPA DELTA Old England visited for Christmas banquet scene KAPPA DELTA. TOP ROW: Pucken (sponsor). Ba iley, Ba ines, Bowman, Campbell. SECOND ROW: B. Cooper, S.Cooper, Henry, Kelly , Koger . TH IRD ROW: Morgan, D. Morr is, S. Morr is, Owens . Penn , Ph ill ips. FIFTH ROW: Rector, Smith , Story, Teuferr, Wa it, Webb . 138 Anderson 's Grill was decora ted in an oldEnglish motif for a forma l Chri stma s banquet. Member s of Kappa Delta provtded songs for the entertainment. Sue Morri s was mi stress of ceremon ies. In April, the trad iti onal Kappa Delta Luau was held at th e Wy ldewood recr ea tion h all. The girls wore colorful muu -muus which matched the boy 's shirts. Mrs. Puckett 's home was used for formal and informa l initi a ti on for seven pledges. The sponsor al so held sever a l informa l pa rti es in her home for th e cIu b . The beau received a C1l1;stmas present from th e girls, in addition to severa l ca kes a t various times during the year . OFFICERS. FALL: S. Morr is, Pres. ; Storey, Vice- Pres.; Rector, ~. -Treos . SPR ING: Rector, Pres.; B. Cooper, Vice- Pres .; S. -Cooper, Sec.; Camp - bel l. Treas .; Irene Puckett, Sponsor.