BEAUTY in Southern belles odds a re freshing flavor to the traditional lineup as the Ju Go Ju pledges dubiously prepare to please their fastidious pledgemasters. anniversary year continues many traditions One of the oldest traditions for the Ju Go Ju's Fete, an elaborate and picturesque pagspring beauty. Work on this project begins in the fall, with plans for the May Fete _,m" lIon in chapel. A representative of each club is a nominee for the queen, and the body votes. In the spring, the Maypole the queen's court, and the crowning aloveIv combination. I'Olnt' ' ' ' initiation ceremonies for the club's pled~es were held at the home of Mrs. L. C. fonner Ju Go Ju sponsor. The many traof the dub were related to the new memJapanese theme was selected for the formal at Kelley's in December. Neale Pryor speaker, and Karen Parsons presided. heaux were presented with gifts. new emhlem was presented by the beaux, helpt'd hang it in the Student Center. FALL Porsons, Pres.; Yotes, Vice-Pres.; Crook, Sec.; Smith, Tubb. Pres.; Smith, Vice-Pres.; Peacock, Sec.; Warren , 01..... Sponsor. JU GO JU . TOP ROW, Olree !sponsor), Crook, Darter. SECOND ROW, Davis, Dedmon, Elliott, Green, Hedrick. THIRD ROW, Holloway, Honey, McElroY,Meisch, Parsons. FOURTH ROW, Patterson, Potty, Peacock, Phillips, Smith. FIFTH ROW, Southard, Spaulding, Tubb, Warren, Yates. 137