1963-1964 Yearbook

GATA Chili soup enjoyed at winter informal function GAlA. TOP ROW: Baggett (sponsor). Ables, Baaz, Bradsher, Calcote. SECOND ROW: Couftney, A. Crawford, K. Crawford. DosIer, Hadley, THIRD ROW: Matt. miller, Minor, Mock, Paine, Phillips, Reibolt. FOURTH ROW: Stafford, Toylor, Tucker, Wolfe. Wood, Woodard . PREPAR ING a special Ireol for their club beau, three GATA members put the finishing touches of strawberries and whipped cream onto on angelfood coke. 136 " Girls Aim Toward Ach ievement" is the slogan from wh ich the GATA club receives its name. Nine new members were instructed in these and other traditions at formal ceremonies at the home of Mrs. Baggett, the sponsor. A Christmas party on December lZ at the Legion Hut was the group's informal function. Fun and food filled the evening. "Mardi Gras" set the scene for a March banquet at Buck Powers Restaurant at Beebe. Sandy Calcote was mistress of ceremonies. An a ll-day outing and picnic was planned fo r a Monday in early May. New blue and white symbols made from felt adorned the dormitory doors of the members. An origina l touch was added by the construction of a felt alligator for each sign, in keeping with the club mascot. Club participation in sports was good, and the members especially enjoyed the competition in basketball . OFFICERS . FAll , Courtney. Pres .; Hadley, Vice-Pres.; Mock, Sec.; Paine, Trees. SPRING, Calcole. Pres.; K. Crowford. Vice-Pres.; Ables, Sec.; Wolfe, Trees.; JeonneNe Bogge". Sponsor. Club Beau Jim Bailey