Oub Beau Gary Brock TRACK ING down the basketball proves to be quite a problem as Bullok and McVicker of Beta Tau and Robertson and Cook of WHC try to find 0 solution. BETA TAU GAMMA Informal function has 'Roaring Twenties' theme BETA TAU GAMMA. TOP ROW: Bearden (sponsor). Arnold, Binkley. SECOND ROW: Boley, Brown, Bullok, Chisholm, Clawson . THIRD ROW: Clement, Craig, Dixon, Forrest, Gibson. FOURTH ROW, Helenschmidt, Holloway, Hovarter, land, McElwee. FIFTH ROW: McVicker, Maluran, Strowhocker, Studebaker, Wood. 134 "Thermostrockamortimer," the Beta Tau mascot, reigned once again during pledge week. Pledges carried the bla ck-stocking doll with them during the day, and introduced him to other pledges. The new Reta Tau Gamma members were initiated after being instructed in the history and ideals of the club. The members used imagination to work up costumes to wear to their NOV'ember informal function, " Roaring Twenties." A formal banquet was held in the spring, and the outing was planned for early May. At Christmas, the club had a combined meeting-party. They sang caro ls and presented a gift to their sponsor. Collecting and mending clothes to send to Korea was the service project. The members worked with several congrega tions on this project. Attendance at the ball games was good, and the members enjoyed the compe tition . OFFI CERS. FAll : Mazuron, Pres.; Clawson, Vice· Pres.; Studebaker, Sec.; McVicker, Treas. SPRING: Studebaker, Pres.; McVicke r, Vice·Pres.; Mozuron , Se-c.; Craig, Treas.; Ruth Bearden, Sponsor.