1963-1964 Yearbook

SERVICE CLUBS Students organize to provide a greater service SISTIIS. FRONT ROW, Hoover, Hardy, Harris, Neal, T. Tonner, Parham, S. Tonner, Tubb. SECOND ROW, Peacock , Watson , lIoN. Shehon, Bush, Epperson. THIRD ROW: Barre", Mczuron, Shull, Jennette, Romero, Crook, Crawfo rd , Pickens Isponsorl Freshmen women find adjusting to a new much less difficult due to the incss and effort put forth by a group of ~~~~;:~ upperclassmen known as Big Sisters. P girls will especially remember the parties and the dorm Christmas party. I'hroulghollt the year the Big Sisters take an part in the organization of parties, proand discussions that will make college and exciting for all dormitory up 10 her big sisler" for guidance, Cheryl Buck gels onlslance and counseling from helpful lamie Courtney . Miss Grace Wells of California offers a S600 scholarship each year to qualified g irls selected from the junior and sen ior classes. This year there are four girls who a re recipients of this honor. Members send copies of the Bison to Miss Wells and keep a scrapbook with items of inter est about club members and club activities. GRACE WELLS . McElroy . Miller, Shull , Tollett, Mrs . Pickens !sponsorl. 131